Monsters, nomads, and trade-offs

Hi nerds -

I salute you from Miami before leaving for Scottsdale, AZ and enjoying my best friend’s bachelorette weekend 🎉 .

Yesterday was my last day mentoring Write of Passage students and the tears are still shedding. The course may come to an end, but friendships will certainly be long-lasting.

I’ve been thinking through how to create deep, meaningful relationships online and in an attempt to get to know you a ‘lil bit better, I’ve created this ~ 1 min survey. I've added a lil Notion gift if you complete it as an appreciation token for your time.

Let's keep growing together 🌎.

3 brain farts

🌎 Nomad cliques: Digital nomads are fascinating because they’re the epitome of the massive paradigm shift we are undergoing as a society.

Never in history have we had so many tools and resources at our disposal to change our income, lifestyle, and social status.

Often running away from pricey rentals and congested cities, this borderless population is traveling to lesser-known destinations looking for a higher living standard, online business ecosystems, and a numerous expat population that quickly become family.

Traveling in packs of strangers, digital nomads are building a culture everywhere they go, breeding a new wave of startup cities focused on attracting digital age workers.

You can check out the the most popular nomad hubs here.

👾 Curiosity monster careers: The fastest way to grow early in our careers is to aim for breadth.

Understanding our industry holistically allows us to learn where we thrive, what we like, and how our interests align with the needs of the market.

However, we usually move up the ladder when we reach depth.

The more we understand a specific topic, we become subject-matter experts and can better fulfill niche responsibilities that make ourselves indispensable in the workplace.

The curiosity monster we're taught to shut off in traditional education works the same way. As we’re growing up, we ask "why" a million times on a wide range of topics, until we feel the itch for rabbit-hole depth on our niche interests.

Listening to and feeding our curiosity monster is in fact the most effective way to advancing professionally.

Dylan deconstruct by Loui Jover

🤷🏻‍♀️ Trade-offs: Open source frameworks have been critical for software development. By building upon the shoulders of giants, developers can code entire applications in a few hours automagically.

The caveat? You’re dependent upon someone else’s code. They add new versions, miss a buggy edge case, their infrastructure falls down, and your product is on the line.

— Same thing happens when we work on public instead of private platforms.

Public platforms like Twitter or Instagram allow us to gain a wider reach faster, but we end up dependent upon Big Tech’s product roadmap, crazy features, and timelines.

Building our own platform and community from scratch is harder, but the connections you build run deeper.

The lesson? Life is about learning to think consciously through complementary trade-offs.

2 intellectual goodies

“Too much friction destroys value. But so does too little.”

~ The Value of Inconvenient Design, Jesse Weaver

"The inventory of knowledge work is ideas. What you are selling, as a “worker of knowledge,” are the ideas you’ve “processed” through the focused application of your attention."

~ Bending the Curves of Productivity, Tiago Forte

1 funky audio

Bluest blues is the kind of playlist that’s filled with talented voices and nostalgic lyrics masked away by carefully-chosen instruments.

Best to listen to while doing Sunday BBQ under the sunset 🌞️ .

Thanks for reading.

As always, feel free to connect by hitting reply and sharing a juicy thought 💡.

We all help the curious community grow.

Talk soon,

Jules 🤸🏻‍♂️


Learning to code is 21st century super-power. I work as a Software Engineer and teacher around the world. My purpose is to empower others by showing them what we can do with our brain, a computer and wifi.

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